Wednesdays in Children’s Ministry
KIMCO (Kids In Missions Christian Organization)
This ministry is an innovative weekly Wednesday night program for elementary-aged children. Through biblically based age appropriate lessons, music, activities, and crafts, the children learn to grow together in Christ. They also participate in mission projects throughout the year. KIMCO follows the school calendar, breaking each summer when school is out and resuming each fall after the start of a new school year.
Sundays in Children’s Ministry
Sunday School
During the 9:30 am Sunday school hour, our children spend time learning about God through interactive lessons and crafts.
Children’s Church
Children are invited to worship with their families during our 10:30 am worship service. Prior to the Pastor’s sermon, our children’s ministry team leads a children’s moment before leading the children to our children’s church room where they participate in Bible study and songs.
Nursery service is provided for infants and toddlers, birth through age 4, during Wednesday night and Sunday morning activities.